The Real Game Series
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International Partners

The Real Game Series has been an international collaboration since the success of the prototype at St. John Bosco Junior High in St. John's, Newfoundland, in Spring 1994.

In September 1994, an International Advisory Group of Canadians and Americans met for three days at the Memramcook Institute, in New Brunswick, to develop the specifications for the national pilot prototype of the Junior High/Middle School edition. This prototype was tested in more than 100 schools in Canada and the United States. Since then Canadians, led by the National Life/Work Centre and Americans, led by America's Career Resource Network (formerly the NOICC/SOICC Network), have collaborated on each subsequent program in the Series. They have also teamed up on promotion, training materials and procedures, Web site development and maintenance, etc.

The partnership has now been extended to include the United Kingdom (Department for Education and Skills), France (Fondation Jeunesse Avenir Entreprise), Australia (Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs), The Netherlands (APS - National School Improvement Project), New Zealand (NZ Careers Service), Hungary (National Ministry of Education and National Guidance Team), Germany (National Ministries of Labour and Education and Berlin P-SW, and Ireland (Institute for Guidance Cousellors and Ministry of Education).

If countries agree to follow The Real Game Series Partnership Framework, and execute written agreements (Preliminary Pilot Agreement, National Pilot Agreement, Sub-Licensing Agreement), they may join the not-for-profit Real Game Series international partnership and adapt, pilot and implement The Real Game Series programs. Typically, extensive adaptation is needed to align these programs with local cultural and economic realities. As countries join the international partnership, their National Real Game Series Coordinators become full-fledged members of The Real Game SeriesInternational Advisory Group.

For more information on The Real Game Seriesnot-for-profit, international partnership please visit


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