The Real Game Series
The Play Real Game The Make It Real Game The Real Game The Be Real Game The Get Real Game Real Time Real Life
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Targeted Subjects

The targeted subjects in The Real Game are:


Session One:  The Spin Game   

  • Language Arts:

    Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development
    Listening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies
  • Mathematics:

    Mathematical Reasoning: Decisions about approaching problems
    Strategies, skills, and concepts to find solutions
    Generalize to other situations
    Algebra Aspects of a logical argument

Session Two: The Dream

Language Arts

Listening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies

Session Three: What' s My Line

Language Arts

Listening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies

Session Four: Our Town

Language Arts

Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development
Reading ComprehensionWriting: Writing ApplicationsWritten and Oral English Language: ConventionsListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra & Functions: Quantitative relationships
Organize and describe distributions of data

History-Social Science

Canadian History and Geography: Canadian political system and citizenship

Session Five: Our Town

Language Arts

Writing: Writing Applications
Written and Oral English Language ConventionsListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra: Aspects of a logical argument


Investigation and Experimentation


Session One:  After Work

Language Arts

Reading: Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary DevelopmentListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Number Series: Calculate and solve problems Calculate and solve problemsAlgebra and Functions Quantitative relationships
Calculate and solve problems
Solve multi-step problems
Solve both computationally and conceptually challenging problemsMathematical Reasoning Decisions about how to approach problems
Strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions
Generalizing to other situations

Session Two: Reality Check

Language Arts

Reading: Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development, Reading ComprehensionListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Number Sense: Solve problems involving fractions, ratios, proportions, and percentages Calculate and solve problemsMathematical Reasoning: Decisions about how to approach problems Strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions Generalizing to other situationsAlgebra: Solve equations and inequalities involving absolute values Solve multi-step problems


Investigation and Experimentation

History-Social Science

Principles of Canadian Democracy: Rights and obligations as democratic citizens Powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments Principles of Economics Economic terms and concepts and economic reasoning Influence of the federal government on the Canadian economy

Session Three: The Financial Picture

Language Arts

Listening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra and Functions: Quantitative relationships Analyze and use tables, graphs, and rulesMathematical Reasoning: Decisions about how to approach problems Strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutionsAlgebra: Organize and describe distributions of data


Investigation and Experimentation

Session Four: The Financial Picture

Language Arts

Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development
Reading ComprehensionWritten and Oral English Language: ConventionsListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies, Speaking Applications


Investigation and Experimentation


Number Sense: Solve problems involving fractions, ratios, proportions, and percentages, Properties and computing with rational numbers, Calculate and solve problemsAlgebra & Functions: Analyze/use tables, graphs, and rulesMeasurement and Geometry: Units of measure and use ratios to solve problemsMathematical Reasoning: Decisions about how to approach problems, Strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions, Generalizing to other situationsAlgebra: Solve equations and inequalities involving absolute values, Solve multi-step problems, Solve both computationally and conceptually challenging problems, Aspects of a logical argument

Session Five: Spin It Again

Language Arts

Reading: Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development

Listening and Speaking

Listening and speaking strategies


Mathematical Reasoning: Decisions about how to approach problems; Strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions; Generalizing to other situations


Aspects of a logical argument


Session One: Fair Play

Language Arts

Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development
Reading ComprehensionListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies
Speaking Applications


Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability: Data samples of a populationMeasurement and Geometry: Units of measure and use ratios to solve problemsMathematical Reasoning: Decisions about approaching problems
Strategies, skills, and concepts to find solutions
Generalize to other situationsAlgebra Aspects of a logical argument


Investigation and Experimentation

History-Social Science

Canadian History and Geography: Analyze major social problems and domestic policy issues

Session Two: The Pink Slip

Language Arts

istening and speaking strategies

Session Three: Disaster Strikes

Language Arts

Listening and speaking strategies

Session Four:Transitions

Language Arts

Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development
Reading ComprehensionWriting: Writing ApplicationsWritten and Oral English Language: ConventionsListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra & Functions: Quantitative relationships
Organize and describe distributions of data

History-Social Science

Canadian History and Geography Canadian political system and citizenship


Session One: Think Again

Language Arts

Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary developmentListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Mathematical Reasoning: Decisions about approaching problems
Strategies, skills, and concepts to find solutions
Generalize to other situationsAlgebra Aspects of a logical argument

Session Two: Follow Your Heart

Language Arts

Listening and speaking strategies

Session Three:The Big Picture

Language Arts

Listening and speaking strategies

Session Four: Career Day

Language Arts

Reading: Word analysis, fluency, and systematic vocabulary development
Reading ComprehensionWriting: Writing ApplicationsWritten and Oral English Language: ConventionsListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra & Functions: Quantitative relationships
Organize and describe distributions of data

History-Social Science

Canadian History and Geography: Canadian political system and citizenship

Session Five: The Final Spin

Language Arts

Writing: Writing Applications
Written and Oral English Language Conventions

Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra: Aspects of a logical argument


Investigation and Experimentation


Sesion Six: Wrap-Up

Language Arts

Writing: Writing Applications
Written and Oral English Language ConventionsListening and Speaking: Listening and speaking strategies


Algebra: Aspects of a logical argument


Investigation and Experimentation


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